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Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro was specially developed for advanced users seeking the most up-to-date anti-virus technol
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License: Shareware
Version: 4
System: Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: E66.58
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1194
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 27, 2005
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Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro was specially developed for advanced users seeking the most up-to-date anti-virus technologies. Kaspersky Labs implemented its most advanced technologies in this software product. Pro provides full-scale anti-virus protection for home computers running Windows 95/98/ME, Windows 2000/NT/XP operating systems and Outlook, Outlook Express messaging programs. The software is powered by the most advanced technologies such as a behavior blocker and integrity checker which do not require anti-virus databases updating.

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro is a unique set of anti-virus and security components, some of which were previously available only for corporate clients. Now all these anti-virus tools, offering a comprehensive level of security, are available for home use. A control center unites the components that allow users to defeat the vast majority of system threats. Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro comes with, free of charge, one year of anti-virus upgrades and 24 hour technical support.

The optimized architecture of Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Scanner and Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Monitor releases additional RAM allowing user applications to accelerate their performance.

Intuitive interface
Improved setup utility allows you to keep user settings in Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Control Center and/or Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Updater running on your computer.
Improved Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Scanner command line.
Monitor - background virus-interceptor for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/ME operating systems.
Features insuring retention of recoverable data with the programs preset to delete infected objects.
Ability to delete malicious code after the operating system attempts to run it.
Checks for viruses in the memory of running programs.
Updating of program modules.
Quarantine, an easy-to-use tool that isolates infected files that can be later restored. In combination with the removal of infected objects this tool provides full-scale protection against viruses while ensuring the retention of recoverable data.
Automatically restores the file system with the rescue disk set.
Removes viruses from ZIP archives

100% protection from macro-viruses

Office Guard integrated into Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro constantly controls macros executed on your computer, and prohibits any suspicious action. The unique technology of the behavior blocker underlying Office Guard guarantees 100% protection from destructive macro-virus action, leaving no chance for any malicious macros to damage your computer.

Reliably controlling data integrity

The integrity checker, Inspector integrated into Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro traces content modifications on your computer. If Inspector detects a virus attack (unauthorized changes in files or system registry), it will enable the complete disinfecting and recovery of your disk. Inspector does not require anti-virus database updates, since it checks the integrity by developing the hard disk files` CRC database and later, when started again, checking files for CRC modifications against the database. Unlike other integrity checkers, our Inspector supports all of the most commonly used executable file formats. This increases productivity five-fold while maintaining a high level of protection and reliability.

Reliable control over all sources of virus propagation

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro consistently controls all possible `doors` that can be used by viruses attempting to `worm` into your computer via e-mail, the Internet, diskettes, CDs etc. The program does not allow viruses to reside in any location on the computer, including system memory, boot sectors, files, and mail databases. The combined use of these tools allows you to prevent a successful virus attack on your computer.

Efficient real-time anti-virus protection

The unique background running virus-interceptor, Monitor for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/ME, permanently resides in your computer`s memory, checking for viruses in files while they are started, created or copied. Unlike other interceptors, Monitor integrates itself into the deepest level of your operating system. It allows the program to comprehensively control all the file operations and prevent attacks of even the most technologically advanced viruses. Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Monitor performs the check for viruses in the memory of running programs right after it is loaded, and also every time you update your anti-virus databases. If the infected memory of a program cannot be disinfected, this program is forced to abort. When running under Windows NT/2000/XP the Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Monitor program operates as a system service. The improved interception of system calls to the infected files increases the stability of the operating system.

Permanent e-mail anti-virus filtration

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro automatically checks for viruses in all incoming and outgoing messages in real time, and will prevent viruses from penetrating your computer. Supporting many e-mail database formats (MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, MS Exchange, Eudora, MS Mail, Pegasus Mail, Netscape Mail, JSMail, MIME), the program is effective against viruses in e-mail-message storage areas. In addition to this, the built-in Mail Checker efficiently removes viruses from e-mail messages in MS Outlook, MS Exchange Client, and completely restores the original contents of your messages.

Comprehensive control over e-mail messages

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro does not allow a virus to hide in any of the message components. The program automatically checks for viruses in all areas of incoming and outgoing messages, i.e. attached files (including archived and compressed files), other messages of any nesting level, embedded OLE objects and the message body.

Protecting data storage locations

Disinfects MS Outlook Express mail databases and objects launched at operating system start-up. The anti-virus Scanner provides a comprehensive check of all local and network drive contents on-demand. You may start your scanner manually or schedule its start with Control Center. Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Scanner now allows not only detection but also removal of computer viruses from MS Outlook Express mail databases. If you preset the program to delete infected objects and then a virus is detected in an OS-started object, the program deletes the object and the object-starting code.

Unique system intercepting script viruses

Conventional anti-virus monitors are unable to protect your system from the destructive activity of script-viruses operating in your computer`s RAM. Script Checker is the universal script-virus interceptor that completely solves this problem by integrating itself as a filter in-between the script-virus and the application that handles it. This enables you to check for viruses in any script before it is executed.

Protection from even unknown viruses

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro is powered by a unique integrated technology for unknown virus searching, based on the principals of second-generation heuristic analysis. Because of this, the program is able to protect you from even unknown viruses. The highest effectiveness of Kaspersky® Anti-Virus is proved by the fact that it was the only anti-virus in the world that repelled attacks of all `ILOVEYOU` virus variations without any additional anti-virus database updates.

Supporting archived and compressed files

Viruses often lurk inside files that have been compressed using special archiving utilities, rendering them invisible to many anti-virus programs. However, this is not true with Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro! Our program supports the majority of archived and compressed file formats, and automatically checks for viruses in their contents. Even if the virus has been compressed or archived multiple times using various archiving utilities, Kaspersky® Anti-Virus detects it, deletes the virus and restores the file to its working state. The program also removes viruses from ZIP archives.

Completely automated computer anti-virus protection

Does it annoy you to download anti-virus databases every day? Sometimes you simply forget to start your anti-virus monitor and scan your disks for viruses. In our busy lives, it is often hard to remember everything. Use the Control Center integrated in Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro! It enables you to create a flexible schedule for the program components to be started and to automatically download and apply updates to your anti-virus databases via the Internet. The Control Center also enables e-mail notifications regarding detected virus attacks and controls the rights of users by allowing/prohibiting them from changing your anti-virus settings.

Daily anti-virus database and package components updates via the Internet

New viruses appear every day. The more frequently you update your anti-virus, the more reliable protection you have. We provide you with free* daily updates to your Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro anti-virus databases! Using the built-in Updater module, you can easily download the updates automatically or just by one button-click from the Kaspersky Lab Web site. The size of our daily updates is just between 3 and 20Kb! Now Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Updater allows you to update not only anti-virus databases but also software package components.

Universal boot system

This product includes the Rescue Kit feature, a unique rescue system that allows you to restore your PC in case it has been seriously damaged from a virus attack and has lost the ability to boot-up. Rescue Kit creates a set of start-up diskettes based on the Linux kernel that contain a preinstalled copy of Kaspersky® Anti-Virus for Linux. This set-up enables a `clean boot,` and helps users restore disks running under any of the most popular file systems: FAT (DOS), FAT32 (Windows 95/98), NTFS (Windows NT/2000), HPFS (OS/2), EXT (Linux). Now the check and recovery of your computer file system is started automatically right after you inserted the first rescue disk from the fallback-recovery set.

Program Optimization

iChecker technology is used to dramatically increase efficiency by enabling Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal to check only those files that have undergone changes. Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal creates a special database of all checked files. Upon system restart a comparison is performed with the files in the database, if no changes have occurred no further checking is required. The amount of time needed to check for file alterations is significantly less than what is required to perform anti-virus scans.


Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal Pro has a friendly and easy-to-use user interface featuring the unique Tree Chart™ technology. It utilizes the step-by-step method, offering recommendations for the next step. Main functions of the program (scanning, updating, and downloading of separate modules) can be activated by the touch of one key, or completely automated.

Round-the-clock technical support

At any time of the day or night, the best Kaspersky Lab anti-virus experts are ready to answer your questions and provide you with FREE* technical information by either phone or e-mail.

* within the subscription period


Kaspersky® Office Guard
Kaspersky® Inspector
Anti-Virus Databases Auto-Updating Utility
Control Center
Mail Checker
Script Checker
Rescue Disk
Report Viewer

Supported Platforms:

Windows 2000 Professional
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows Millennium
Windows NT 4 Workstation
Windows XP Home Edition
Windows XP Professional

Software and Hardware requirements:

Processor: Intel Pentium
Pre-installed operating system: Windows 95/98/Me, or Windows NT 4.0 Workstation (Intel) with ServicePack 3 or higher, or Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows XP Home Edition, or Windows XP Professional
If running under Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 Workstation, the computer must have pre-installed Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) v. 4.01 (SP2) or higher
RAM: 4 MB minimum (12 MB for NT/2000)
Free hard disk space: 9 MB


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